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Brachial Plexus Injury

The brachial plexus is the bundle of nerves in the neck and upper back that extends down the arm and into the hand. If these nerves are stretched, squeezed, or pulled away from the spinal cord, the result is a brachial plexus injury. When the shoulder is pressed down and the neck is stretched away from the damaged shoulder, it puts pressure on the higher nerves that make up the brachial plexus, which can lead to pain and numbness. When the arm is pushed above the head, it puts extra strain on the lower nerves.

In contact sports like football, players frequently sustain stingers or burners, which are mild injuries to the brachial plexus. Brachial plexus injuries can happen at birth and are a common cause of distress for newborns. The brachial plexus can also be harmed by diseases and disorders besides inflammation and malignancies.

Brachial plexus injuries are common among motorcycle and car accident victims. When the brachial plexus is damaged, it can cause paralysis of the affected arm, however surgery can sometimes help restore function.

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